Solo Trombone
Robert Barkwell

Robert is a local lad. He rejoined the band in 2003 after a long break from banding. Robert has his own plumbing business in Okehampton. In his few minutes of spare time, Robert is a great Rugby supporter and works hard locally in this respect.

2nd Trombone
Ian Heard

2nd Trombone
Ed Keeley

Major Ed Keeley (retired) recently returned to the UK after 8 years in Dubai with the Army Band Service.

We are very lucky that he wanted to come and play with the band and stands in as MD when needed. Most importantly, Ed has taken over the training band and offers private lessons and also group lessons at school.

Bass Trombone
Tim Williams

Tim picked up his first Trombone pre 10, learning in Brass Bands in Hampshire and at Trinity College of Music before having a 30 year break exploring the finer points of beer and Rugby. After moving to Devon in 2014, he was persuaded to join in with the Northlew band (the only (and oldest) remaining village silver band in Devon) where he still plays and is ‘in charge’ of the beginners and training band, and joined Hatherleigh in late 2017.

He’s always wanted to play the Bass Trombone and has been given the chance thanks to Thomas joining the Royal Marines for which he’s very grateful. Tim works as a portfolio FD, he hopes you won’t hold that against him, and also has an interest in the Crossways at Folly Gate and is Co-Chair of Governors for the Okehampton Federation.

Martha Fawcett

Martha has been away for the last three years studying for her Medical Degree which she achieved with First Class Honours and is now following her clinical training in Bristol. She plays with the band whenever she visits home in Hatherleigh.

Hatherleigh folk will be more used to seeing Martha singing Classical pieces – and what a wonderful singer she is. She started to play the Trombone in 2006 in the Training Band and has proved to be a very capable player since coming into the Senior Band and plays other instruments too. Her hobbies include Riding and Music.


We have vacancies for       Front and back row Cornets and Percussionists but we welcome all players.

Click here for more info

Playing Next

Come and see us at Hatherleigh Community Centre for Autumn Concert on 3rd November

Click here for engagements

Meet The Band

Meet the players, all from different backgrounds and professions. We welcome new players!

Click here meet the band